Some publications from the team at Aquascience Consultancy Limited
Everall, N.C. et al .(1989). The interactions of water hardness and pH with the acute toxicity of zinc to the brown trout (Salmo trutta) J.Fish. Biol., 35, 27-36.
Reader, J.P; Everall, N.C, Sayer, M.D.J. and Morris, R (1989). The effects of eight trace metals in acid soft water on survival, .mineral uptake and skeletal calcium deposition on yolk-sac fry of brown trout (Salmo trutta) J. Fish. Biol., 35, 187-198.
Everall, N.C. et al. (1989). The effects of water hardness upon the uptake, accumulation and excretion of zinc in the brown trout (Salmo trutta) J. Fish. Biol., 35, 881-892.
Everall, N.C. et al (1991) Tracing of haematotoxic agents in water with the aid of captive fish: a study with captive adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the River Don. Dis. Aquat. Organ., 10, 75-85.
Everall, N.C. et al. (1991). Effluent causes of the pigmented salmon syndrome in wild adult Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) from the River Don. Dis. Aquat. Organ 12, 46-52.
Everall, N.C. and Lees, D.R. (1996). The use of barley straw to control general and blue-green algal growth in a Derbyshire reservoir. Wat.Res. 30, 269-276.
Croce, B, Stagg, R.M., Everall, N.C., Groman, D.B., Mitchell, C.G. and Owen, R. (1997). Ecotoxicological Determination of Pigmented Salmon Syndrome. A Pathological Condition of Atlantic Salmon Associated with River Pollution, Ambio, 26, 8, 505-510.
Everall, N.C. and Lees, D.R. (1997). The identification and significance of chemicals released from decomposing barley straw during reservoir algal control. Wat. Res. 31, 614-620.
Everall, N.C. and Crymble, S. (1999). Bioremediation of an industrialized river to aid treatment for potable use. Journal Am. Wat. Works Assoc. 10, 111-118.
Everall, N.C. (2004). Further investigations into the decline in fly life and fishery status in the River Dove at Beresford Dale 1990-2003. A report for the Angler’s Conservation Association, 28pp. Available from Fish Legal, Leominster, United Kingdom.
Everall, N.C. (2007). The probable causes of the fishery decline in the Costa and Oxfolds Beck 1980-2006. Aquascience investigatory report for the Anglers Conservation Association, 82pp. Available from The Angling Trust. Leominster, United Kingdom.
Everall, NC. (2010). The aquatic ecological status of the rivers of the Upper Dove Catchment in 2009. Natural England Commissioned Report NECR046. Natural England: Sheffield.
Extence, C.A, Chadd, R.P, England, J., Dunbar, M.J., Taylor, E.D. and Everall, N.C. (2010). The assessment of fine sediment accumulation in rivers using macroinvertebrate community response. BHS Third International Symposium, Managing Consequences of a Changing Global Environment, Newcastle, 2010.
Everall in Owen, J. (2011). Short Life of British Mayfly Halved by Climate Change. National Geographic Daily News, National Geographic Society.
Everall, N.C. and Farmer. A. (2012). Evaluation of macroinvertebrate indicators and associated thresholds for favourable conditions. . Natural England Commissioned Internal Report. Natural England: Sheffield, 56pp.
Everall, N.C., Heath, A.F., Jacklin, T.E., Farmer, A. and Wilby, R.L. (2012). The ecological benefits of creating messy rivers. Royal Geographical Society, Area, 44, 4, 470–478. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4762.2012.01087.x
Everall, N.C. (2013). Environmemtal pressures impacting riverfly populations in UK rivers. Salmon & Trout Association publication, 48pp.
Everall, N.C. (2014). An Aquatic Ecological Appraisal of Catchment Sensitive Farming in the Upper Dove Catchment 2009-2014. Environment Agency
Commissioned Report. Environment Agency, Bristol, 33pp
Everall, N.C., Johnson, M.F, Wilby, R.L and Bennett, C.J. (2015). Detecting phenology change in the mayfly Ephemera danica: responses to spatial and temporal water temperature variations. Ecological Entomology, Ecological Entomology (2015), 40, 95–105.
Everall, N.C., Johnson, M.F, Wood, P., Farmer, A., Wilby, R.L. and Measham, N. (2017). Comparability of macroinvertebrate biomonitoring indices of river health derived from semi-quantitative and quantitative methodologies. Ecological Indicators, 78, 437-448.
Everall, N.C., Johnson, M.F, Wood, P. and Mattingley, L. (2017). Sensitivity of the early life stages of a mayfly to fine sediment and orthophosphate levels. Environmental Pollution, 1-11
Everall, N.C., Johnson, M.F, Wood, P., Paisley, F. and Trigg, D.J. (2019). The Assessment of Phosphorous Enrichment in Rivers Using Macroinvertebrate Community Response: The Total Reactive Phosphorous Index. Ecological Indicators, 107,
Everall, N.C., Johnson, M.F., Clarke, A. and Gray, J. (2019). The visual state of river beds and their associated invertebrate community biosignatures. FBA News, no. 77 Summer 2019, 11-15.
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Everall, N.C. et al .(1989). The interactions of water hardness and pH with the acute toxicity of zinc to the brown trout (Salmo trutta) J.Fish. Biol., 35, 27-36.
Reader, J.P; Everall, N.C, Sayer, M.D.J. and Morris, R (1989). The effects of eight trace metals in acid soft water on survival, .mineral uptake and skeletal calcium deposition on yolk-sac fry of brown trout (Salmo trutta) J. Fish. Biol., 35, 187-198.
Everall, N.C. et al. (1989). The effects of water hardness upon the uptake, accumulation and excretion of zinc in the brown trout (Salmo trutta) J. Fish. Biol., 35, 881-892.
Everall, N.C. et al (1991) Tracing of haematotoxic agents in water with the aid of captive fish: a study with captive adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the River Don. Dis. Aquat. Organ., 10, 75-85.
Everall, N.C. et al. (1991). Effluent causes of the pigmented salmon syndrome in wild adult Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) from the River Don. Dis. Aquat. Organ 12, 46-52.
Everall, N.C. and Lees, D.R. (1996). The use of barley straw to control general and blue-green algal growth in a Derbyshire reservoir. Wat.Res. 30, 269-276.
Croce, B, Stagg, R.M., Everall, N.C., Groman, D.B., Mitchell, C.G. and Owen, R. (1997). Ecotoxicological Determination of Pigmented Salmon Syndrome. A Pathological Condition of Atlantic Salmon Associated with River Pollution, Ambio, 26, 8, 505-510.
Everall, N.C. and Lees, D.R. (1997). The identification and significance of chemicals released from decomposing barley straw during reservoir algal control. Wat. Res. 31, 614-620.
Everall, N.C. and Crymble, S. (1999). Bioremediation of an industrialized river to aid treatment for potable use. Journal Am. Wat. Works Assoc. 10, 111-118.
Everall, N.C. (2004). Further investigations into the decline in fly life and fishery status in the River Dove at Beresford Dale 1990-2003. A report for the Angler’s Conservation Association, 28pp. Available from Fish Legal, Leominster, United Kingdom.
Everall, N.C. (2007). The probable causes of the fishery decline in the Costa and Oxfolds Beck 1980-2006. Aquascience investigatory report for the Anglers Conservation Association, 82pp. Available from The Angling Trust. Leominster, United Kingdom.
Everall, NC. (2010). The aquatic ecological status of the rivers of the Upper Dove Catchment in 2009. Natural England Commissioned Report NECR046. Natural England: Sheffield.
Extence, C.A, Chadd, R.P, England, J., Dunbar, M.J., Taylor, E.D. and Everall, N.C. (2010). The assessment of fine sediment accumulation in rivers using macroinvertebrate community response. BHS Third International Symposium, Managing Consequences of a Changing Global Environment, Newcastle, 2010.
Everall in Owen, J. (2011). Short Life of British Mayfly Halved by Climate Change. National Geographic Daily News, National Geographic Society.
Everall, N.C. and Farmer. A. (2012). Evaluation of macroinvertebrate indicators and associated thresholds for favourable conditions. . Natural England Commissioned Internal Report. Natural England: Sheffield, 56pp.
Everall, N.C., Heath, A.F., Jacklin, T.E., Farmer, A. and Wilby, R.L. (2012). The ecological benefits of creating messy rivers. Royal Geographical Society, Area, 44, 4, 470–478. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4762.2012.01087.x
Everall, N.C. (2013). Environmemtal pressures impacting riverfly populations in UK rivers. Salmon & Trout Association publication, 48pp.
Everall, N.C. (2014). An Aquatic Ecological Appraisal of Catchment Sensitive Farming in the Upper Dove Catchment 2009-2014. Environment Agency
Commissioned Report. Environment Agency, Bristol, 33pp
Everall, N.C., Johnson, M.F, Wilby, R.L and Bennett, C.J. (2015). Detecting phenology change in the mayfly Ephemera danica: responses to spatial and temporal water temperature variations. Ecological Entomology, Ecological Entomology (2015), 40, 95–105.
Everall, N.C., Johnson, M.F, Wood, P., Farmer, A., Wilby, R.L. and Measham, N. (2017). Comparability of macroinvertebrate biomonitoring indices of river health derived from semi-quantitative and quantitative methodologies. Ecological Indicators, 78, 437-448.
Everall, N.C., Johnson, M.F, Wood, P. and Mattingley, L. (2017). Sensitivity of the early life stages of a mayfly to fine sediment and orthophosphate levels. Environmental Pollution, 1-11
Everall, N.C., Johnson, M.F, Wood, P., Paisley, F. and Trigg, D.J. (2019). The Assessment of Phosphorous Enrichment in Rivers Using Macroinvertebrate Community Response: The Total Reactive Phosphorous Index. Ecological Indicators, 107,
Everall, N.C., Johnson, M.F., Clarke, A. and Gray, J. (2019). The visual state of river beds and their associated invertebrate community biosignatures. FBA News, no. 77 Summer 2019, 11-15.
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